Journal Focus

Dynamics of Rural Society Journal focuses on scholarly research that addresses the social, economic, political, and cultural challenges faced by rural communities worldwide. The journal aims to provide a platform for the development, publication, and dissemination of scientific articles centered on rural community empowerment, sustainable development (both in rural areas and the agricultural sector), poverty and inequality in rural societies, and the analysis of government social policies. We encourage contributions that offer innovative solutions and enhance understanding of the dynamics of change in rural areas and its impacts on rural community life globally.

Journal Scope

The scope of Dynamics of Rural Society Journal includes, but is not limited to, the following topics:

  • Agrarian Studies: Analysis of agrarian issues, including disparities in land distribution and access to natural resources.
  • Group Dynamics of Peasants and Fishermen: Research on the social relationships, collaboration, and conflicts among peasants, fishermen, and other rural community groups.
  • Empowerment and Social Welfare: Strategies and policies aimed at improving the welfare of rural communities through social and economic empowerment programs.
  • Rural Community Development: Initiatives and policies designed to improve the quality of life in rural areas, including infrastructure, education, and basic services.
  • Social Capital: Studies on the importance of social networks, relationships, and solidarity in rural development.
  • Remote Indigenous Communities: Research on the life challenges faced by indigenous communities in remote areas and their role in development.
  • Social Conflict: Analysis of social, economic, and political conflicts within rural communities.
  • Social Structure and Stratification: Studies on the social hierarchy and stratification in rural societies and its impact on resource access.
  • Village Government: Research on the structure, policies, and governance systems of rural local governments.
  • Education, Poverty, and Social Inequality: The impact of education and efforts to reduce poverty and social inequality in rural areas.
  • Social Identity (Ethnicity, Religion, Race, and Group): Studies on the construction of social identity within rural communities, including the influence of ethnicity, religion, and race.
  • Transmigration: The impact of transmigration on rural societies and its effects on social and economic development.
  • Gender and Division of Labor: The role of gender in rural life, including gender-based division of labor.
  • Social Solidarity: The role of solidarity in strengthening social cohesion and rural development.
  • Social Change: Research on social changes occurring in rural areas due to modernization, globalization, or internal factors.
  • Social Psychology of Communities: Studies on social behavior and psychology in rural communities and their impact on social interactions.
  • Livelihood Strategy: Analysis of the livelihood strategies employed by rural communities to improve their well-being.
  • Family and Kinship Systems: Research on family structure and kinship systems in rural societies and their influence on social life.
  • History, Customs, Traditions, Culture, and Local Wisdom: Studies on traditions and local wisdom that shape the lives of rural communities.
  • Rural Economic Studies: Research on the rural economy, including agriculture, small industries, and community-based economic activities.
  • Rural Policy and Politics: The influence of government policies on rural development and the local political dynamics affecting rural communities.
  • Village Funds: The management of village funds and their role in improving rural community welfare.

This journal is committed to publishing relevant and impactful articles that contribute to the development of policies, theory, and practices within the context of global rural life. We invite contributions from researchers, academics, and practitioners who are concerned with the challenges and solutions facing rural communities worldwide.