Dynamics of Rural Society Journal is a peer-reviewed journal that upholds the ethics of publication. Publication Ethics is addressed to all parties involved in the process of publishing scientific articles including: Authors, Chief Editor, Managing Editor, Editorial Board, Technical Editors, Reviewers, and Publishers. This statement refers to COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).


Dynamics of Rural Society Journal takes seriously violations of publication ethics such as duplication, plagiarism, fabrication, repeated publication, and conflicts of interest. Dynamics of Rural Society Journal views plagiarism and the like as serious offences. We ensure that advertising, reprint or other commercial revenue has no impact or influence on editorial decisions. In addition, the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, State University of Gorontalo, Indonesia and the Editorial Board will assist in communication with other journals and/or publishers if necessary and useful.

Based on the Regulation of the Head of LIPI Number 5 of 2014 concerning the Code of Ethics for Scientific Publications, that there are ethical principles of publication that must be upheld, including: (i) Neutrality, which is free from interests in the management of publications; (ii) Justice, giving authorship rights to those who are entitled as writers; and (iii) Honesty, which is free from duplication, fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism (DF2P) in publications.


  1. Duties and Responsibilities of the Editor in Chief
  • Determine the name of the journal, scope and focus, periodicity, and application for accreditation if necessary.
  • Ensuring the adequacy of the number of manuscripts to maintain the continuity of the publishing schedule;
  • Strictly evaluate and select the suitability of the manuscript with the focus and scope of the journal review before the manuscript is distributed to the Editorial Board;
  • Ensure that the manuscript is in accordance with the journal template;
  • Guarantee the confidentiality of the manuscript and not disclose any information regarding the manuscript to anyone other than the people involved in the publishing process;
  • Decide whether or not Call for Papers is necessary to prospective authors or whether or not a Special Issue or Thematic Issue is necessary;
  • Selecting the Board of Editors and Reviewers who have knowledge and expertise in accordance with the focus and scope of the Journal study;
  • Select and ensure that the distribution of manuscripts to the editorial board is appropriate based on the expertise and expertise of the editorial board;
  • Coordinate with the Editorial Board regarding the continuous development of the journal;
  • Promote journals to various parties.
  1. Duties and Responsibilities of the Managing Editor
  • Ensure that manuscripts have been distributed appropriately and quickly to the Editorial Board for the editorial process and to reviewers for the review process;
  • Guarantee the confidentiality of the manuscript and not disclose any information regarding the manuscript to anyone other than the people involved in the publishing process;
  • Ensure the distribution of manuscripts for the editorial process of the manuscript to the Editorial Board in accordance with the areas of expertise and expertise of the Editorial Board;
  • Ensure and control regularly the editorial and review implementation process from beginning to end in accordance with the specified time;
  • Assist the Editor in Chief to ensure periodic journal publications.
  1. Duties and Responsibilities of the Editorial Board
  • Work professionally according to their duties and responsibilities, and contribute actively in every publication process.
  • Ensure that each manuscript has gone through the editorial and peer review process in a fair and objective manner.
  • Encouraging authors to immediately make improvements to manuscripts that have gone through the review process in accordance with the specified time limit.
  • Take the initiative and be active in discussing and asking for opinions from authors, readers, reviewers, the editorial board and other parties directly involved in managing the journal, regarding steps and strategies in improving the quality of publications.
  • Assessing the suitability of the focus and scope of the study from a manuscript sent to the journal by referring to the focus and scope that has been determined by the journal manager. If it is found that there is a discrepancy with the focus and scope of the study that has been determined by the journal, the editor has the right to reject a submitted manuscript without using a peer-review process.
  • Identify and ensure that manuscripts submitted to journals are original manuscripts and have never been published or are not in the process of being published in other journals. This avoids the use of duplication, plagiarism, fabrication, repeated publication, and conflicts of interest in a manuscript submitted by an author to a journal. If there are things that are suspicious regarding the things mentioned above in a manuscript, the editor will ask for opinions from peer reviews and will have a dialogue with the author regarding these suspicions, so that it can be decided whether the manuscript is rejected or accepted.
  • Evaluating and correcting the improvement of publication quality and consistency in the process of publishing manuscripts in journals on an ongoing basis, and always prioritizing freedom of opinion in every process from manuscript submission to manuscript publication.
  • Provide critical and systematic consideration of the feasibility of a manuscript for publication. In this process, the editor's assessment must be objective based on the quality of the manuscript itself without considering aspects of the author's identity such as ethnicity, religion, race, class, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, institutional affiliation, as well as aspects of seniority of the author.
  • Maintain the confidentiality of the manuscript and not be allowed to disclose or disseminate part or all of the information related to the content of the manuscript to anyone, other than the authors, reviewers, and the editorial board, so that the confidentiality of manuscripts sent to the journal is maintained.
  • All data and analysis presented in the manuscript sent to the journal, are not allowed to be used by the editor for research purposes, unless approved by the author.
  • If there is a conflict of interest for reasons of competition, cooperation, or other relationship with the author, institution or publishing company concerned, the editor is not allowed to evaluate the related manuscript. Therefore, other members of the editorial committee should be involved in the decision to publish the manuscript.
  1. Duties and Responsibilities of Reviewers
  • Assisting the editor in making editorial decisions and through editorial communication with the author can also assist the author in improving the manuscript.
  • Reviewing the manuscript constructively, comprehensively, systematically, and substantively, then submitting the results of the study to the editor.
  • Provide objective corrections based on the quality of the manuscript itself without regard to aspects of the author's identity such as ethnicity, religion, race, class, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, institutional affiliation, as well as aspects of seniority of the author, including matters relating to the existence of conflicts of interest between reviewers and authors caused by competition and other reasons.
  • During the review process, reviewers are not allowed to disseminate part or all of the information related to the contents of the manuscript to anyone, other than the authors, reviewers and the editorial board, so that the confidentiality of manuscripts sent to the Dynamics of Rural Society Journal journal is maintained.
  • All data and analysis presented in the manuscript are not allowed to be used by reviewers for their research purposes, except with the approval of the author.
  • Submit the results of corrections and recommendations on the manuscript, in accordance with the time limit that has been determined and mutually agreed upon. If there is something or other that is so urgent that it hampers the manuscript review process, reviewers must immediately contact the editor to discuss the steps that must be taken.
  • Notify the editor as early as possible, if he suspects a significant potential similarity to the manuscript being reviewed and reviewed with other published manuscripts that the reviewers know personally. This is very important to avoid the potential for serious violations of part or all of the contents of the manuscripts published in the Dynamics of Rural Society Journal.
  • If there is an indication of a conflict of interest due to reasons of competition, cooperation, or other relationship with the author, institution, or company involved in the publication, reviewers are not allowed to evaluate the related manuscript.
  1. Duties and Responsibilities of the Author
  • Responsible for the entire content of manuscripts submitted and published in the Dynamics of Rural Society Journal.
  • Make a statement that the manuscript submitted for publication in the Dynamics of Rural Society Journal is the original work of the author himself, has never been published and is not in the process of submitting and publishing to other journals, and has never been written in any language.
  • Ensure that part or all of the contents of the manuscript submitted to the Dynamics of Rural Society Journal are not the result of duplicating the work of others and not the result of plagiarism of the work of others. If the author cites the work and/or opinions of others, the author is obliged to clearly and precisely state the source and write down the reference in the bibliography. Dynamics of Rural Society Journal views plagiarism and duplication of other people's work as serious offences.
  • Ensure that the focus and scope of the study presented in the manuscript is in accordance with the focus and scope of the study from this journal.
  • Ensure that the manuscript is in accordance with the writing guidelines set by the journal by referring to the template provided.
  • Submit raw data related to the manuscript to the editor for editorial purposes, and must retain the data for a long time after the manuscript is published.
  • It is not allowed to make statements in the manuscript that are insulting, demeaning and slandering others.
  • Make corrections / revisions of the manuscript according to the specified time and send it back after going through the repair process.
  • When the author finds a significant error or inaccuracy of data in his published work, the author is obliged to immediately notify the editor-in-chief or publisher and cooperate with the editor to retract the manuscript and fix the problem.
  • The author must immediately disclose if there is any indication of a conflict of interest. All support in finance, employment, consulting, resource ownership, paid expert statements, patent registrations, grants or other funding schemes must be clearly stated.
  1. Duties and Responsibilities of the Technical Editor
  • Responsible for assisting the Editor in Chief in managing OJS;
  • Manage matters related to the technical settings (setup) and appearance of the journal website;
  • Finalizing the examination of the manuscript in detail regarding errors in writing such as typos, conformity with templates, grammar settings, and other minor errors related to writing.
  • Assisting the Editor in Chief regarding the production process and publishing journal articles including;

            Align the metadata with the full text of the article

            Upload the full text of the article (pdf)

            Make a journal issue number (issue)

            Scheduling issue number of articles (scheduling issue)

            Publish the journal issue number (issue)

  • Assist the Editor in Chief in conducting the indexing and accreditation process of journals.


Journal editors should consider retraction when:

  1. They have clear evidence that the findings are unreliable, either as a result of behavioral error (eg falsification of data) or research error (eg discretionary or experimental error).
  2. Previous findings have been published elsewhere without cross-reference, permission or proper justification (eg in the case of over-publication).
  3. There are indications of plagiarism.
  4. Reporting/publishing research results that are not in accordance with scientific ethics.

Journal editors should take this seriously when:

  1. They accept inconclusive research evidence or publication errors by the authors.
  2. There is evidence that the findings are unreliable but the authors' agency will not investigate the case.
  3. They believe that investigations into alleged misconduct related to publication have not been, or are not, fair and impartial or conclusive.
  4. Investigations are underway but assessments will not be available for a considerable period of time.

Journal editors should consider issuing a correction (Corrigendum) when:

  1. A small percentage of publications that are declared reliable prove misleading (mainly due to research errors).
  2. The list of authors/contributors is incorrect (eg an eligible author has been omitted or someone who does not meet the authorship criteria has been included).
  3. Retraction is usually not necessary if a change of authorship is required but there is no reason to doubt the validity of the findings.

Article retraction/retraction: Retraction is a mechanism for correcting the literature and alerting readers to publications that contain data that is so erroneous or erroneous that their findings and conclusions cannot be relied on. Unreliable data can be caused by research errors. The main purpose of retraction is to correct the literature and ensure its integrity rather than to punish writers who misbehave.

Who should issue the revocation?

Articles may be retracted by their author or by the journal editor. In some cases, the revocation is done with or on behalf of the journal publisher. However, as the responsibility for the journal's content rests with the editor, he or she should always have the final say on retracting the material. Journal editors may retract publication (or issue an expression of concern) even if all or some of the authors refuse to withdraw the publication themselves.

When should publication be withdrawn?

Publications must be withdrawn as soon as possible after the journal editor believes that the publication is completely false and misleading (or exaggerated or plagiarized). Immediate retraction should minimize the number of researchers citing incorrect work, acting on their findings or drawing wrong conclusions, such as from double-counting 'over-publications' in meta-analyses or similar examples.